IPCC SSP Scenarios : which temperature in 2100 ?

According to the IPCC SSP scenarios, the global temperature should increase by between +1.4°C and +4.4°C by the end of the century. It depends directly on  greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2.


If the most optimistic scenario seems  to be unreachable, the objective is to stay under +2°C, in line with the Paris Agreement.


It is worth noting that we are currently on a +2.7°C trend (scenario SS2-4.5) and that the National Determined Contributions are not met, which makes predictions harder.

"The era of global boiling has arrived." A. Guterres

Since the pre-industrial era, the average temperature in France has increased by 1.5 °C. That is due to the fact that continents heat up faster than oceans and to the vulnerability of the Mediterranean Rim to climate change. The south, in particular the south-east, mountains and the Mediterranean area should be especially impacted.


According to a scientific study published in October 2022 in the review Earth System Dynamics, in a moderate emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5) corresponding to a global temperature of +2.7 °C at the end of the century, climate warming in France should reach about +4 °C at that time.


Whatever the scenario, climate warming in France will be higher than the global average.

Hundreds of millions of people have been affected by climate warming. Its intensity is unprecedented in history and its effects (heatwaves, droughts, floods, storms, sea level rise, etc.) will increase within the next decades. But to what extent ?

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